Math Jokes (bad)

I take neither credit nor responsibility for these.

Jokes with punchlines:

A combinatorialist writes a small proof regarding a fair die- what does he call it?

  • A dilemma.

If I am reading over homework for errors, what am I doing?

  • Proof-reading.

When you smash up an Avogadro, what do you get?

  • A guaca-mol.

A mathematician is asked how to brew tea— they say: “oh, fill up a kettle, boil the water, pour it over the leaves, and then wait a few minutes. Thus, tea.” Then they are asked, given a full kettle, how do you brew tea?

  • “It suffices to empty out the kettle to reduce it to the previous problem.”

So \(\mathbb{R}\) was driving like a maniac, swerving all over the road. They got pulled over by a cop, who was asked “Are you drunk?” \(\mathbb{R}\) responded:

  • “No officer, I can prove I am sober.”

What’s a mathematician’s favorite Pokémon?

  • \(\mu\).

A torus and a sphere walk into a bar. When it’s time to pay the tab, the torus is out of cash. So the sphere says,

  • “I can’t cover you.”

Jokes without punchlines:

  • Let bygons be bygones
  • I tried to make a joke about ideals, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out the proper approach.